October 24, 2010

OutOnline Video Interview with ITL

Click on the title above to see Madeleine Hershey and Jen Saffron interviewed by Nayck B. Feliz on OutOnline.com or use the link below.


October 21, 2010

5 Fantastic Fellowship Applicants

We are thrilled and fortunate to have 5 trans-identified young people applying for the Fellowship. All 5 of these enthusiastic and committed young people were unknown to us before creating this opportunity. One of these candidates will create a community project in cooperation with a Pittsburgh area Non-Profit Organization.

This week the Selection Committee is reviewing and scoring the applications. We are contacting the references to learn more about the applicants, then finally we interview each one. November 1st we will announce the winner.

October 10, 2010

GLBT History Month

October is GLBT History Month. Today's GLBT Icon is Mara Keisling.

In 2003, recognizing the need for a cohesive voice in Washington for transgender people, Mara Keisling founded the National Center for Transgender Equality (NCTE), a social justice organization dedicated to advancing equality through advocacy, collaboration and empowerment.

Keisling has over 25 years of professional experience in social marketing and opinion research. In 2005, Harvard University named Keisling Outstanding LGBT Person of the Year.