June 24, 2012

Paid Internship to Design Our Next Project

Application: Internship to design a Peer Mentorship Program for Trans Youth

The purpose of the Initiative for Transgender Leadership (ITL) is to positively impact community life through professional and leadership development of transgender youth.

ITL Internship

The ITL Internship is a paid, professional development opportunity for one trans-identified young person (age 16-26) to research and design a Peer Mentorship Program for trans youth in Pittsburgh, and to find and enroll trans youth into the program.

The ITL Intern must possess a strong work ethic, organizational skills, and communicate well with the ITL team and with other trans youth. The ITL Intern will receive supervision and support from the ITL team and will have access to experts who work in fields that affect the lives of trans youth.

The ITL Intern will work approximately 10 hours each week for 40 weeks from September, 2012 – June, 2013 and will be paid a total of $4,800 in monthly installments (approximately $12/hour).

ITL Peer Mentorship Program

The ITL Peer Mentorship Program (PMP) will be a 10-month program designed by the ITL Intern in which trans-identified young people can gain new awareness of themselves and their resources so that they produce victories in their own lives and in the lives of other trans youth.

The ITL Peer Mentors will meet regularly from September, 2103 – June, 2014 to develop themselves as leaders in their own lives, in their peer group and their community. Peer Mentors will have access to the ITL team of local experts who work in fields that impact the lives of trans youth. Peer Mentors will be paid for successful completion of the ITL PMP, and may have additional opportunities to be paid by ITL for at-large peer mentoring after completing the PMP.

ITL Internship Application

Below are the three areas of information Applicants need to supply in order to qualify for our 10 month paid Internship. Please submit your application in 12-point font, single spaced pages, with no less than .8” margins on all sides. At the top of each page, please include your name. At the top of your first page, please also include: your date of birth, mailing address, phone number, and email address.

I. Show us what you can do!

Submit an exhibit or presentation--show us a project, piece of art, an essay, event organized or created by you that shows planning and learning on your part. This may be a link, an attachment, newspaper article, or a testimonial by a mentor or peer. Tell us about the learning and planning you did to produce your exhibit.

II. Provide short answers (300 words or less) to the following questions:

Tell us a bit about who you are
Tell us about your experience with being a mentor or mentee
Briefly describe your experience with research/information gathering

III. Please answer the questions below in an essay format. Each answer is not to exceed one full page single spaced:

Why do you want to design our Peer Mentorship Program and what do you think trans-identified youth need?
Describe a time when you met someone whose experience was different from yours and it opened your mind to a new perspective.
Describe a time in your life when you listened to advice then made your own decision. What did you learn about yourself?

* Trans includes transgender, transsexual, gender non-conforming and genderqueer.

Send your application to transleadership@gmail.com by 5pm on Friday, August 10th, 2012.
