July 7, 2011

Words of Wisdom: What I've Learned So Far

Looking ahead to November 18th. Just over four months to go and using this time to take a step back, assess what I've done and learned and regroup to get to the next level. This is really just a list for me to take stock, but it may have some useful tips, especially for folks struggling with professional development.
  1. You can't know if you can do something yourself until you do it. Especially apparent when you see someone else doing it not as good as you think you can.
  2. Inviting someone personally to your event is more efficient and effective than sending out 1,000 emails.
  3. Use a variety of methods to outreach an event: in person, over the phone, email lists, personal emails, snail mail, social media. Follow up & follow up again.
  4. Share stressful feelings sooner rather than later (useful in many areas of life).
  5. Use checking in and meeting up in person to keep on track and stay accountable. It's easy to hide behind an email.
  6. Embrace organizational change to stay ahead of the game and stay relevant. These things happen all the damn time.
  7. Visual organization helps mental organization. Tidy up the desk! Put business cards in one place!
  8. Planning events effectively always takes more time than you think.
  9. Share what you know, what you've learned. Ask for what you need, seek out people who have skills & connections that can help you.
  10. Speak up for communities you don't see represented in research, in meetings, etc.
  11. Give people the benefit of the doubt. They may not know what you are talking about or be aware of your perspective. They may be afraid of speaking from a place of ignorance. They may just be having a bad day.
  12. Listen.
  13. Emails can always be shorter. Less text on that flier is better.
  14. A good presentation means a lot.
  15. Having that tough conversation clears the air.
  16. Say out loud when things should be kept in confidence and get acknowledgement.
  17. Real change takes time, but much can be done now.